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Our team of videographers and filmographers will be with you throughout your wedding ceremony and reception. We can also arrange to film your rehearsal dinner or other wedding-related events.

We won’t, however, be with you for your honeymoon.

There are so many choices for honeymoons, from tropical islands with a cocktail in hand to more engaging and challenging adventures like exploring cities across the world, not to mention hiking and biking in rugged terrain in the United States and beyond.

Some couples choose to leave on their honeymoon right after the wedding. Others choose to organize an extended honeymoon a few months after their wedding to make it truly amazing.

Your choice of honeymoon location depends on what you like, how much time you want to spend, and your budget. Trust us, though: the choices are endless. 

Have you ever wondered what the honeymoon origin is? How have we come to organize a honeymoon following the wedding? And what does it signify?

What’s the Honeymoon? The Romantic Explanation

Back during the 5th century Europe, couples getting married would then start their ‘honeymoon,’ a period of their lives that lasted a full moon circle. They were given mead daily—a fermented honey beverage—as this was supposed to enhance the couple’s virility. The obvious goal was to help the couple conceive during their honeymoon period.

Hence the historical explanation for the honeymoon: it is a reference to the honeyed beverage that was drunk for a full moon circle.

The Fait Accompli Explanation

The above explanation is hardly the only one, though. In fact, there are many other explanations for the honeymoon origin. Some people think that there is in fact, a much darker honeymoon origin: it was the time spent after an elopement that was not always mutually agreed upon.

The groom would kidnap his desired bride with the help of his friends and family. The couple would have to hide until the bride’s parents stopped looking for them or until she got pregnant, by which time there was nothing that could be done but accept the fact.

The “Welcome to the Family” Explanation

As families become more nuclear, familial bonds might weaken and even break.

Accordingly, a more conventional theory has it that couples often spent their honeymoon visiting their mutual relatives. It was a way to explore and strengthen new bonds, engage with extended families, and get to know the various family members. The honeymoon was a great time to consolidate such familial links, especially if some relatives lived far away from the couple.

What Does the Honeymoon Mean Today?

If you are planning your wedding, you are most likely organizing your upcoming honeymoon as well.

Sit down with your spouse and discuss with each other what makes you happy. Holidays packed with activities or lazing in the sun? Also consider the timing of the honeymoon. Do you need to postpone the honeymoon to enjoy the most favorable weather? Places in the tropics, for example, can be subject to hurricanes and heavy rains for a few months each year, so if you have your heart set on a sun-kissed sunny beach, you may have to time it right.

You don’t have to follow current trends, either. Bali or the Caribbean might be perfect for some couples but if you like museum-visiting, you should indulge in what makes you happy. Think of cities with plenty of arts opportunities and soak up their sophisticated ambiance. And if your couple is all about cooking and discovering new flavors, shape your honeymoon around tasting food and discovering produce and dishes you can include in your common life. There are plenty of such places in the United States and abroad and you can mix and match experiences.

Your honeymoon is the perfect time to focus your attention on each other. With most distractions out of the way, it offers a great way to do something new that involves just the two of you.

You also have plenty of time to absorb everything that happened during your wedding and, if you have selected our package that includes the 1-minute teaser film, you will have something to watch, enjoy, and share from your special day.

Call Reverent Wedding Films for Your Wedding Film

Before you start organizing your honeymoon, make sure you have called Reverent Wedding Films to film your wedding in a cinematic way that tells your love story. Check our availability online or call now 832-536-1897 to book your wedding video with Reverent Wedding Films. We service Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana, as well as destination weddings all over the world. You will have a film unique to your couple to cherish and watch for years to come!